I’ve recently been diagnosed with Lupus and found studying EFT helped
- By Jessica
Vicky: Hi, I’m Vicky and I’ve been doing the level one and two EFT and during this three day weekend and I’ve noticed some side effects that I’ve had for quite a long time now and which are to do to SLE lupus. The pains I were getting were shooting, stabbing electrical pains and also exhaustion. And I’ve recently been diagnosed with lupus and a consultant was saying that it’s a chronic condition, it’s not something that would be healed and it’s something that would be treated with an antimalarial drug. So I’m still waiting for my medication That pain disappeared, and then, I have problems with my monthly cycles and I was getting a lot of stomach pains with those also, which sometimes can be linked to the lupus . We actually tapped that out with the group as well. Um, and that pain has subsided, the tenderness in my stomach and it’s something that has happened so quickly and for something that I’ve had such a long time, it’s been a complete shock.
Vicky: And something that’s made me realize how quick and effective EFT therapy actually is.
Tania: Um, just to add, you told me about sleeping as well. Was there something different about that as well?
Vicky: Sleeping, Yes. Sometimes I could sleep, um, 14 hours and struggled to get up or sometimes I would be awake all night. My sleeping pattern was really disrupted. Um, last night I was able to sleep my full eight hours. I got up, I was able to get ready on time, do my breakfast, be here on time. Um, which normally I feel like there’s a big dark heavy cloud over me constantly and cause sometimes that effect has affected my mood as well.
Tania: Thank you for sharing that.
Vicky: No, thank you for all your help and support over this weekend.
Tania: Thank you.
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