EFT Master, Tania A Prince working with a client with a compulsive eating (binge eating) problem using EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, also commonly called tapping.
Tania Prince presented DSR (Deep State Repatterning) at the Masterclass in Manchester with fantastic results. Here is one audience member who describes how it helped her with a long standing
Deep State Repatterning is an AAMET (Association of Meridian Energy Therapies) accredited technique that combines EFT/ NLP and Inner Child Work. DSR works on issues passed down through the generations
EFT Master, Tania A Prince demonstrating working with a client who could not do her college assignments because of perfectionism using EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique which is also often called tapping therapy is commonly used on procrastination, fear of making mistakes, exam nerves, anxiety, fear issues, confidence building
This is an excerpt from the DVDs “Marketing your EFT Practice” (www.MarketingYourEFTPractice.com)
On this Boston Panel is EFT Masters Dr. Pat Carrington, Lindsay Kenny, and Tania A Prince with Moderator
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