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- Tania is a great mentor
I attended Tania’s EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Level 1 and 2 course back in 2014 and found it to be life changing. Tania’s passion and positivity surrounding EFT and my own experience with EFT on the course confirmed I wished to practice EFT in the future. 4 years on, I now have my own practice offering EFT and Reiki – www.transformingtraumatoday.com.
I have found Tania to be a great mentor, and a continuation of support throughout my journey to reach the level I have. I have been able to reach out to Tania at any time via email and have always received prompt replies pointing me in the right direction to continue my self development – I find this extremely impressive as I attended the course 4 years ago.
I have since attended mentoring days and practice days offered by Tania that have allowed me to connect, learn and share EFT experiences with other practitioners alongside building my confidence in the early days to practise EFT with voluntary clients.
I would highly recommend Tania’s courses to any professional wishing to further develop there skill set surrounding therapy work or initially in my experience to focus on self healing as attending the course did exactly that for me. Thank you Tania