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To join the trainer program you need to apply. Click Here to Find Out About Applying to Join the Program.
Course Information
This is a comprehensive apprenticeship model of training, that covers in-depth the syllabus set by EFT International for gaining their accredited trainer status. To become a master trainer accredited by EFT International, candidates need to do a pre-trainer course. At the end of the pre-trainer course successful candidates gain the Newly Qualified Trainer certificate (NQT) Trainer. After gaining the NQT Trainer certificate, the candidate can run courses under the supervision of their mentor. At the end of a year as a NQT Trainer, they are then eligible to upgrade to a full trainer status.
The initial pre-trainer stage of the program runs over a one year period. The program covers EFT i’s core Master Trainer requirements.The program is a combination of online and web-based study and practice. (Dependent upon circumstances). It also involves assisting at three EFT Practitioner training courses and two mentoring days which take place online. This provides candidates the opportunity to study how each module of the training is taught.
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