EFT Movie Technique Part 3 Overview :
This article forms part of a series of three covering Movie Technique and how to thoroughly test your results. This is part 3.
In this part, we cover how to test the results from using the Movie Technique utilizing a variety of approaches. We also include finding any remaining aspects of the events you are working on so that you can completely deal with them.
Completing the Clearing and Testing
Option 1: Run the Movie Test
The results you gain doing the Movie Technique can be tested and improved by asking the client to run the movie in their mind, beginning to end, and instructing them to stop if they encounter any emotion even if it is negligible.
Testing can be done silently, thus retaining privacy for the client. It is best to get the client to take their time doing this, so they do not miss any emerging discomfort. Once identified, you can tap on whatever they experience. For example, when they get to the point the person in the movie shouted at them, they have a tight feeling in their stomach.
This uncomfortable feeling can then be tapped out using direct language that targets it, “Even though I have this tight feeling in my stomach…” methodically go through the whole event doing this until nothing is triggered.
Option 2: Telling the Story Technique
Telling the Story technique is an EFT Approach in and of its own right. It can be combined with the Movie Technique to make sure you have thoroughly cleared out all the aspects of the memory.
• After using the Movie Technique to lower the emotional intensity as far as it will go, ask the client to tell the story of the movie in detail.
“I want you to tell me what happened in detail. Stop, if, at any point, you notice any emotional intensity. This isn’t about being brave. It is about 100% clearing this, so let me know even if there is just a twinge”.
You are more likely to find any remaining intensity if you go moment by moment through the event “as if” you are there, looking through your own eyes as you did when the event happened. Experiencing the invent from this perspective is called an associative. Avoid skimming across the surface when the client is telling their story, as this may lead to missing aspects that are still impacting them. You can stop the client at any point in time and clarify any part of what they are saying, to check, making sure there aren’t underlying aspects. Remember, we have five senses; memory can hold data in any of these systems.
• Tap through on any aspect of the memory that has any remaining emotion. You can use more direct language at this point as the intensity should have been reduced substantially by the Movie Technique.
• If the client reports some remaining intensity such as, when I see his smile, I feel a twinge of discomfort, set it up in EFT as follows, “Even though I can still see his smile, I accept that happened.”
• When you discover remaining aspects or emotions within the memory, and you tap them through, get the client to go back on their story and retell it. When you have fully cleared it, they should no longer have any remaining discomfort and should smoothly be able to talk through that piece of the memory.
• Methodically let the client talk through the movie, from beginning to end, tapping, clearing, and retelling.
• Continue using the EFT until there is NO Remaining Intensity.
Option 3: Submodalities
The ultimate test is that the client can no longer access the raw unprocessed memory no matter what they think. Their mind has processed it out and put it into the old archives database. Testing the Submodalities is a brilliant way of checking that this has happened.
Only do the following if the client says they no longer have any intensity to connected to the event. When they say this note the body language as well as it is estimated that only 7% of communication occurs within the words we say, a much more significant part of the communication occurs within the body language and tonality of voice.
Are the words, the body language, and the tone of voice all congruently saying the same thing? Are they automatically thinking differently without any effort? If they use words that imply they are making themselves think differently, there is more to do as it is not fully cleared. When a change has fully happened, there is no effort involved in thinking differently.
You automatically do, in a way that is right for you. Testing should be done in a graduated way, avoid plunging them straight into the event if you are not pretty sure they have cleared the event by them having passed your earlier testing.
Step by Step Testing Using Submodalities
Test 1:
Have they said they are 0 intensity? Does their body language and words imply that they no longer affected by this event?
Test 2:
Therapist: “Now I want you to step into that younger you. Look through their eyes of that as if you are there now, what happens?”
If they pass this test, go on to the next
Test 3:
Therapist: “Now I want you to you to turn the brightness up, turn up the volume, feelings, smells, tastes, etc. and try and make anything about that bother you”.
If the client answers, “I can’t.”
Therapist: “Try harder, be ruthless; we want to make sure there is absolutely nothing left.”
If they have passed the initial two tests, you now need to push the testing. Clients often will not do that because they don’t know what is possible. If they feel better than they did initially, they will usually be satisfied with this as a result. Therapists, however, should be looking for a 100% result.
If they do find anything, tap it out until they can no longer access any element of the problem. You can do this using direct language,
For example, “Even though I can still see his eyes, that happened” or “Even though I can still see his eyes, that happened, what if I am safe now.”
Tap, clear, and test until you, as a therapist, are convinced that the event is 100% cleared. It is up to the client to prove it to you. Only then should you move on to the next event until all the foundations underlying the client’s current problem are no longer there, impacting. With no foundations, the problem collapses.
Testing the Original Problem
When you have tapped out an event using the Movie technique, you should then check how this impacts the current life problem that they are seeking to clear. After all, people seldom come to therapy, asking to clear a past event. What they want is something to change in their current life. We tap out the past events to improve the present moment in time.
Movie Technique can be a fast and effective approach for clearing past events, stopping them from impacting us. It can be easy to use, there is an art and a skill to it.
EFT Movie Technique in 3 Parts : Part One
This article is a part of a series of three covering Movie Technique and how to thoroughly test your results. This article is part 1
EFT Movie Technique in 3 Parts : Part Two
In part two, we cover how to do the EFT Movie Technique. We also include the essential points you need to be aware of to use this approach successfully.